Required to be signed prior to participating in activities at Saco River Farms.
Our farm waivers are written agreements that outline common activities and risks that can happen while you are having fun at Saco River Farms. Waivers are primarily legal tools, However, they also serve an educational purpose by letting you understand the potential risks of an activity. This way you can determine if this activity is right for you. Often that’s all it takes to understand, and hopefully, avoid accidents and misunderstandings. Anyone who refuses to sign a waiver prior to the activity may not participate. Alteration or deletion of any language in the waiver is not permitted. Waivers cannot be signed by minors. Activity participants under 18 must have a waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.
If you have any questions or concerns about our farm waiver, please contact us.
WARNING! Under Maine law, there is no liability for injury to a participant in an agritourism activity conducted at this agritourism location if such injury results from the inherent risks of the agritourism activity. Inherent risks of agritourism activities include, among others, risks of injury inherent to land, equipment and animals, as well as the potential for injury if you act in a negligent manner. You are assuming the risk of participating in this agritourism activity.”
Animal Waiver
I understand that the behavior and actions of any animals can be unpredictable. While working with animals, personal injury or property damage may occur. Being aware of the risks that may be involved, I indemnify and hold harmless Saco River Farms, Alternative Real Estate, Inc, any private/public landowners and/or their volunteers, officers and employees for any and all personal injury or property damage resulting from my participation.
Photography Waiver
I understand that photographs, pictures, slides, movies, or videos may be taken of me and my guests in connection with my participation in farm activities, and that these pictures may be used on the Saco River Farms website, posted on Facebook, or other social media sites.
Public Webcam Waiver
I understand that Saco River Farms has live public webcams both inside the buildings and outside on the property. These webcams record both image and audio sound. If I am near the webcams, my image and my voice could be captured and could be transmitted over the internet.
Conduct and Behavior
I agree to obey all posted signs and safety rules and to alert the staff to any rules violations or dangerous behavior of co-participants. I agree to stay in areas to which I am assigned and not enter areas that will place me in undue danger. As an adult, I will supervise my child(ren) at all times. Participation is solely at the discretion of the owners and staff members of the farm. I will always be accompanied by a Volunteer or a member of the staff that is educated and versed in goat herd management and principles. I will follow their direction and keep the safety of others and the herd in mind when I take action.
Hand Sanitation
Interacting with farm animals is an important experience for children and adults. Being able to touch and watch the animals helps people to learn about agriculture and encourages the human-animal bond. Despite the many benefits of interacting with farm animals, people should be aware that farm animals can sometimes carry germs that make people sick. I will protect myself, my family, and the animals on the farm by remembering to wash my hands with soap and warm running water for at least 20 seconds after contact with farm animals. I will use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not readily available.
Health and Safety Requirements
I will protect myself, my guests, the animals, and the employees of the farm by supporting health department requirements. In order to provide the safest possible environment, Saco River Farms will be adhering to the rules and regulations put forth by the Health Department by requiring face covering for all employees, vendors and guests. We have designed careful direction of foot traffic through well-spaced entrances, aisles and exits. I will maintain good hygiene at all times – hand washing, sanitizing and adhering to social distance guidelines.